Handout Exercises (to be presented in class on Thursday, September 22)
Exercise 1. The linear congruence (mod m) has a
if and only if the
has a solution
Exercise 2. The linear congruence (mod m) has at
least one solution if and only if b
is a multiple of gcd(a, m).
Exercise 3. If gcd(a, m) = 1, then prove
that the linear congruence (mod m) has a unique solution.
Exercise 4. If gcd(a, m) = d and d | b, then prove
that the linear congruence (mod m) has exactly
d solutions. (Hint: If
is a solution to the linear congruence, then show that
, k = 0, 1, 2,
3, …, d-1, is a solution too. What if k > d?)
Exercise 5.
a) Let be the set of all possible remainders modulo m.
Which elements in
have multiplicative
inverses? That is, for which
does there exist a
solution to the equation:
(mod m)? Explain. (NOTE: In the situation where a
solution of
(mod m) exists, it
is typically denoted by
b) Let denote the set of
elements in
that have
multiplicative inverses. Prove that
Exercise 6. Prove that if gcd(c, m) = 1, then (mod m) implies
(mod m).