Department of Mathematics,
Kenyon College 307 Rutherford B. Hayes Hall, Gambier, OH 43022 |
e-mail: holdenerj@kenyon.edu office: (740) 427- 5266 |
Algebra, Number Theory, Dynamical Systems
Ph.D. in Mathematics (Algebraic K-theory), May, 1994
M.S. in Mathematics, May, 1989
B.S. in Mathematics, 1987, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
2007-present: John B. McCoy Distinguished Teaching Chair, Kenyon College
2003 - present: Associate
Professor, Kenyon College
2004-2005: Visiting Professor, University of Colorado - Boulder
1997 - 2003: Assistant Professor, Kenyon College
1994 - 1997: Assistant Professor, United States Air Force Academy
1987 - 1994: Teaching/Research Assistant, University of Illinois - Urbana
1989 - 1990: Consultant, Wolfram Research, Inc., Urbana, Illinois
Mathematical Association of America's Ohio Section Award for Distinguished
Teaching of Mathematics (2008)
John B. McCoy-Banc One Distinguished Teaching Chair, Kenyon College (2007)
Tomsich Science Award, Kenyon College (2003)
Board of Trustees Junior Teaching Award, Kenyon College (2003)
Project NexT Fellow (1995-1996)
Tony M. Johnson Excellence in Teaching Award, Air Force Academy (1995)
Instructor of the Year in Mathematics, U.S. Air Force Academy (1995)
Outstanding Teacher Award, University of Illinois - Urbana (1994)
Phi Kappa Phi, University of Illinois (1990)
Phi Beta Kappa, Kent State University, junior inductee (1986)
(* indicates that the coauthor is/was a Kenyon student)
Kennard L.* and M. Zaremsky*, J. Holdener. "Generalized Thue-Morse sequences and the von Koch Curve". (to appear in the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Stanton W.* and J. Holdener. "Abundancy `outlaws` of the form $(\sigma(N)+t)/N$," The Journal of Integer Sequences, 10 (2007), Article 07.9.6
Holdener J.A. and E.J. Holdener. "A Cryptographic Scavenger Hunt," Cryptologia, 31 (2007) 316-323
J.A. Holdener. "Conditions Equivalent to the Existence of Odd Perfect Numbers," Mathematics Magazine, 79(5) (2006) 389-391
J.A. Holdener. "Product-free Sets in the Card Game Set," PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 15(4) (2005) 289-297
J.A. Holdener. "Visualizing Patterns in the Integers relating to the Abundancy Index,” Proceedings of the `Art and Math = X’ Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder (2005)
Ma J.* and J.A. Holdener. “When Thue-Morse meets Koch, ” Fractals:
Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society, 13
(2005) 191-206
J.A. Holdener. "Art and Design in Mathematics," The Journal of
Online Mathematics and its Applications, 4 (2004)
Holdener J.A. and K. Howard. "Parametric Plots: A Creative Outlet," The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, 4 (2004)
Holdener J.A. and A. Wagaman.* "A Classification of Periodic Turtle Sequences," The International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 34 ( 2003) 2193-2201
J.A. Holdener. "A Theorem of Touchard and the Form of Odd Perfect Numbers," The American Mathematical Monthly, 109 (2002) 661-663
"Understanding Patterns of Perfection within the Integers via Paintings, Proofs and Undergraduates," Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, April 2008.
"The Abundancy Spiral," Mathematical Association of America’s Ohio Section Meeting. Marietta College. Marietta, OH. April 12, 2008.
"Modeling Seashell Form," Capital University, Columbus, OH, March, 2008.
"Spiraling Primes and Primary Spirals," Kenyon College Presidential Lecture. February, 2008.
"Generalized Thue-Morse sequences and the von Koch Curve," International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing. Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 12-18, 2007.
"Understanding Patterns of Perfection within the Integers via Painting and Proof," United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, September, 2006
"Perfect Numbers and the Abundancy Index," Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH. November, 2005
"An Algebraic Formulation of the Card Game SET," Mathematical Association of America’s Ohio Section Meeting. Ashland University. Ashland, OH. October, 2005
“When Thue-Morse meets Koch, ” American Mathematical Society Eastern Section Meeting, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.October, 2005. (Invited Speaker)
“Visualizing Patterns in the Integers relating to the Abundancy Index,” Art + Math = X Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. June, 2005
“A Glimpse of Mathematics in Quilting,” Boulder Public Library, Boulder, CO. June 5, 2005.
“The Ancient Mystery of Perfect and Multiply Perfect Numbers,” Metro State University, Denver, CO. April, 2005.
“The Ancient Mystery of Perfect and Multiply Perfect Numbers,” Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO. April, 2005.
“The Ancient Mystery of Perfect Numbers,” University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. January, 2005.
“When Thue-Morse meets Koch,” American Mathematical Society national
meeting. Atlanta, GA. January, 2005. (Poster Presentation)
“Appropriate Uses of Technology in the Collegiate Mathematics Classroom,”
American Mathematical Society national meeting. Atlanta, GA. January, 2005.
(Invited Panelist)
“Sagebrush, Turtles, and Snowflakes,” Mathematical Association
of America’s Ohio Section Meeting. University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati,
OH. March 26, 2004 (Invited Address)
“Confessions of a Mutant Mathematician,” a departmental colloquium
at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. May 21, 2002 (Invited Speaker)
“On a Theorem of Touchard and the Form of Odd Perfect Numbers,” Mathematical Association of America’s Ohio Section Meeting. Xavier University. Cincinnati, OH. April 5, 2002
“Undergraduate Research in Mathematics,” American Mathematical
Society national meeting. San Diego, CA. January, 2002. (Invited Panelist)
“Increasing Accessibility of Examples in Abstract Algebra Using GAP,”
American Mathematical Society national meeting. New Orleans, LA. January, 2001.
“Models of Life: A Mathematics Course for Nonmajors,” Mathematical Association of America’s Ohio Section Meeting. Wittenberg University. Springfield, OH. October, 2000.
“The Capstone Experience,” a panel discussion at the Mathematical Association of America’s Section Meeting. Huntington, WV. April, 2000.
“Choosing a Way to Teach Calculus,” a panel discussion for the Project NExT workshop at the Mathematical Association of America’s Annual Meeting. Providence, R.I. July, 1999. (Invited Panelist)
“Self-Similarity and Spiral Growth,” Youngstown State University. March, 1999.
“Changing the Culture: Case Studies from Project NExT,” Board of Mathematical Sciences Annual Chairs Colloquium: Leading, Innovating, and Succeeding, a national conference sponsored by the National Research Council for department chairs of Mathematics. November 13 - 14, 1998, Washington, DC (Invited Panelist)
“Odd Shapes and Strange” Surfaces,” a presentation for Sonia Kovalevsky Day (workshop for talented female high school students of Pennsylvania). Clarion University. Clarion, PA. May 15, 1998. (Invited Address)
“Invariants and Algebraic K-theory,” a talk in coordination with the Five Colleges Speaker Circuit, Oberlin College. Oberlin, OH. March, 1998.
“Undergraduate Mathematics Education: Visions for the Future,” a panel discussion at the American Mathematical Society’s Annual National Meeting. San Diego, CA. January 9, 1997.
“Algebraic K-theory and the Goodwillie Group,” a departmental colloquium at the University of Colorado. Boulder, CO. November 18, 1996. (Invited Speaker)
“Implementing Calculus Reform at the United States Air Force Academy,”
a panel presentation at the Symposium on Implementing Reform in Mathematics
and the Sciences. Scottsdale, AZ. June 7 - 8, 1996. (Invited Speaker)
NSF-CCLI: Development and Dissemination of Computational Science Educational
Materials and Curricula at the Undergraduate Level - Biomathematics modules
(subcontractor). Grantee Institution: Capital University, Columbus, OH. Total
Award = $480,020. Subcontract Amount: $5,500. Award Period: 1/1/07-12/31/10
“Information Literacy in Number Theory at Kenyon College”, an Andrew W. Mellon Information Literacy Grant, 2002. Amount: $3000
“Hands-on Learning in Calculus via Computer-based Projects”, an Andrew W. Mellon Enhanced Learning through Collaboration Grant, in collaboration with Keith Howard (Kenyon College) and Lewis Ludwig, Zaven Karian (Denison University). 2002. Amount: $12,250
“Increasing Accessibility of Examples in Abstract Algebra Using Computer-based Projects”, an Andrew W. Mellon Enhanced Learning through Collaboration Grant, in collaboration with Peter Blanchard (Denison University). 2000. Amount: $8,134
Published Book Reviews: Vector Calculus, by Miroslav Lovric in the Read This! MAA Online Book Review (forthcoming); Prime Numbers: the Most Mysterious Numbers in Math, by David Wells in MAA Reviews (February, 2007); Sophie's Diary: A Historical Fiction, by Dora Musielak in the Read This! MAA Online Book Review column (September, 2006); Math & Bio 2010: Linking Undergraduate Disciplines, edited by Lynn Arthur Steen in the Read This! MAA Online Book Review column (May, 2005); Mathematical Models in Biology: An Introduction, by Elizabeth Allman and John Rhodes in the Read This! MAA Online Book Review (June, 2004)
Reviewing Experience for Professional Journals: Mathematical Reviews (2006-present); The Journal of Number Theory (2003-07); The American Mathematical Monthly (2001-03); The College Math Journal (2008); PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, (1996-2007). JOMA: The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, (2000-04); member of the initial review board for JOMA (Swarthmore College. August, 2000)
Grant Reviews: Enhanced Learning through Collaboration and Technology grant proposals for the Mellon Foundation (June, 1999); National Science Foundation, Instrumentation Laboratory Improvement grant proposals (January, 1998); National Science Foundation, Course and Curriculum Development and Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement (January, 1996)
Director of KAP Calculus: - I lead outreach work with high school math teachers from across Ohio, who are teaching Calculus at their schools for Kenyon credit through the Kenyon Articulation Program (2000-present)
Volunteer Math Teacher: - Taught weekly math lessons for the Wiggin Street Elementary School kindergarten class in Gambier, OH (2006-2007)
Faculty Mentoring: Served as a mentor for a doctoral student in mathematics at the Ohio State University, as part of the collaborative Preparing Future Faculty program (2003-04, 2006-07); Served as a Consultant for Project NExT, a professional development program of the Mathematical Association of America for faculty new to the teaching profession (2004-2005)
Editorial Experience: Member of the Editorial Board for PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, (2006-present); Associate Editor of Mathematica Militaris, the bulletin of the mathematics departments of the United States military service academies (1995-1996)
Service to the Mathematics Community: Member of CONSTUM, the Committee on Student Members for the Ohio section of the Mathematical Association of America (2000-06); Member of CONSACT, the Committee on Section Activities for the Ohio section of the Mathematical Association of America (2006-present); List Manager for the Project NExT electronic mailing list, a mailing list for mathematics faculty new to the profession (1997-present)
Faculty Governance:
Chair of the Mathematics Department (2008)
Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee (2007-08)
Member of the Executive Committee (2007-08)
Member of Faculty Affairs Committee (2005-07)
Member of the Curriculum Policy Committee (2000-04)
- LBIS subcommittee (2002-03)
- Quantitative Reasoning Subcommittee (2000-01)
Member of the Student-Faculty Senate (1998-2000)
- Pledge Review subcommittee (1998-99)
- Sexual Harassment Policy subcommittee (1998-00)
Search Committee Membership:
Associate Director of the Career Development Center (Spring, 2007; hired Miles
Visiting faculty position in Philosophy (Spring, 2007; hired Don Asselin)
Head Women's Volleyball Coach (Summer, 2006; hired Adrienne Delph)
LBIS Library and Technology Consultant position (Fall, 2005)
Associate Director of the Career Development Center (2003-2004; hired John Beck)
Tenure-track faculty position in Psychology (2002-2003; hired Paula Millin)
Co-chair for the tenure-track position in Math/Biology (2001-2002; hired Michael
LBIS Library Technology Consultant and 2 Systems Analysts (Spring, 2001)
LBIS Librarian and Technology Consultant (Spring, 2000; hired Mary Stettner)
Visiting faculty positions in Mathematics (Spring, 2000; Fall, 1997)
Tenure-track faculty position in Mathematics (Spring, 1999; hired Albin Jones)
LBIS Director of Information Access (Summer, 1998; hired Oscar Will)
Other College Service:
Kenyon Web Redesign Committee (2007-present)
Health Professions Advisory Committee (1999-present)
Chair of the Health Professions Advisory Committee (2002-2003)
Member of the Faculty Lectureships Committee (1998-2004)
Sexual Misconduct Advisor (2000 – 2003)
Recruiting for Admissions - I participate regularly on panels, presentations
and tours for Kenyon visit days (1999-present)
Produced a 50 minute CD titled "The Fascination of the Prime Numbers"
for Kenyon donors
Presented several general audience math talks for Kenyon parents and alumni
Departmental Service:
Coordinator of Putnam Exam (1997-2003, 2006)
Coordinator of the Five Colleges Contest (2000-03, 2005-07)
Coordinator of the Five Colleges Speaker Circuit (2006-08)
Coordinated redesign of Math Department website (Summer, 2003)
Co-authored the document describing the Honors Program in Mathematics (Spring,
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Last Modified: June 3, 2008 |