CHNS321: Week 12 (11/15-11/19)

 1. Develop the ability to express abstract concepts
 2. Develop the ability to express their opinions on what happiness means.
Monday Wednesday Friday
1. Pre-class Assignment 1. Pre-class Assignment 1. Pre-class Assignment
2. During Class Activities 2. During Class Activities 2. During Class Activities
3. Post-class Assignment 3. Post-class Assignment 3. Post-class Assignment

Monday                       Back to Top

Pre-class Assignment
1. Study Lesson 12 of BB before the class. Students should study the lesson before coming to class; they do not need to  remember all the supplementary words. The teacher can check whether they are  well prepared by conducting activities such as asking them comprehensive  questions about the text or having a dictation of some of the new words. Students  are encouraged to ask questions if they  have trouble understanding the text or do  not know how to use some of the words or patterns.
2. Listen to the recordings for Lesson 12 of BB.

During-Class Activities
1. Q&A about the text, if you have any.
2. The teacher leads the students in practicing the new words and patterns in different meaningful communicative contexts.
3. Story-telling: the most enjoyable event. Q&A for each of the story tellers.
4. Spend some time discussing the topics at the end of  the text.

Post-class Assignments
1. Do Exercises 1-2 of BB Lesson 12 and turn them in by the end of Tue.
    For instructions on handing in your assignment on line, click here.
2. Pair-work: discussion on the questions at the end of Lesson 12 of BB.

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Wednesday                  Back to Top
Pre-class Assignment
1. Pair-work: Do Lesson 20 of ATS together.
2. Review what we did on Monday.

During-Class Activities
1. Q&A about Lesson 12 of BB.
2. Meaningful pattern drills with the new words and sentence patterns of the lesson.
3. Story-telling: the most enjoyable event. Q&A for each of the story tellers.
4. Spend some time discussing the topics at the end of  the text.
5. Discussion and wrap up of Lesson 12 of BB

Post-class Assignments
1. Exercises 3 and 4 of Lesson 12 of BB. For Exercise 4 you can do it orally or in written form.
    For instructions on handing in your assignment on line, click here.
2. Pair-work: Listen to the recordings of Lesson 20 of ATS and discuss the content.

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Friday                       Back to Top

Pre-class Assignment
1. Click here, go and do the reading assignments for Chapter 12 (optional).
2. Pair-work: Review of Lesson 12 of BB and Lesson 20 of ATS.

During-Class Activities
1. Repeat the activity of  story-telling.
2. Q&A on the lessons that we have covered this week.
4. Do Lesson 20 of ATS.
5. Report and discussion on current events if we have time.

Post-class Assignments
1. Write your summaries of  and responses to "the  current events"
2. Enjoy the weekend and have a very happy Thanksgiving!!!

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